Content tagged lisp
I wrote down a little scenario for myself for the next iteration of act
- mark "" with mouse (selection -> goes to x11 buffer-cut)
- listen on those changes and show current context and choices
- press+release "act primary" key -> runs primary action immediately
- (or) press "act" key once -> opens buffer for single character input to select choice
- buffer captures keyboard, after single character action is taken, esc aborts, "act" again should expand the buffer to full repl
- mouse -> selection of source? history?
- context -> focused window? -> lookup for program gives cwd, etc.
- since that's not foolproof an obvious addition to the protocol would be to store a reference to the source of the clipboard (or the program that will be queried for it)
- you should always be able to interrogate windows about their origin and capabilities, including their scripting interface
- pattern matching url -> rule based decisions
- primary / secondary actions -> rule of three basically, except we err on the side of caution and just bind two actions two keys
- special handling for clipboard types that aren't text? allow for example to override a rule based on whether a picture would be available
Now, there are several problems with this on a regular X11-based desktop already:
- How do you identify the program / PID belonging to a particular window?
- How do you get information about that program, e.g. its current working directory?
In addition, since I'm using tmux
inside a terminal emulator there are some
more problems:
- How do you know which
session is currently active? - How do you know which program is currently "active" in a
Basically it's a recursive lookup for the "current state" of what's being displayed to the user. Not only that, but for things like browsers, image editors, video editors, anything document based it's still the same problem at another level, namely, what the current "context" is, like the currently open website, picture, video, scene, what have you.
Coming back to earlier thoughts about automation, there's no way for most of
these to be accurately determined at this time. Neither is e.g. DBUS
scripting common enough to "just use it" for scripting, there are also several
links missing in the scenario described above and some can likely never be
fixed to a sufficient degree to not rely on heuristics.
Nevertheless, with said heuristics it's still possible to get to a state where a productivity plus can be achieved with only moderate amount of additional logic to step through all the indirections between processes and presentation layers.
Now let me list a few answers to the questions raised above:
- The PID for a particular window can be derived from an X11 property, together
this gives us an easy pipeline to get this value: ``. - Information about the running process can then be retrieved via the
filesystem, e.g.readlink /proc/$PID/cwd
for the current working directory. Of course this has limited value in a multi-threaded program or any environment that doesn't rely on the standard filesystem interface (but uses its own defaults). - I do not have an answer for the currently active
session yet, presumably you should somehow be able to get from a PID to a socket and thus to the session? - For
, the currently active program in a session is a bit more complex, ``, which we'll also have to filter for the active values.
For scripting interfaces, many programs have their own little implementation of this, but most problematic here is that you want to go from a X11 window / PID to the scripting interface, not through some workaround by querying for interfaces!
For programs like Emacs and any programmable environment we can likely script something together, but again it's not a very coherent whole by any means.
Regardless of your position on DBus, sometimes you might need to interact with it. Common Lisp currently has at least two libraries ready for you, one of them is in Quicklisp,
Have it loaded and create a package to use it, then change into it.
;; (asdf:load-system '#:dbus)
;; or
;; (ql:quickload "dbus)
(defpackage #:example
(:use #:cl #:dbus))
(in-package #:example)
For reference, I'm going to refer to a (very old)
polkit example
in Python. For reference I'm reproducing it here (it still works in current
Python 3 without any changes except the print
import dbus
bus = dbus.SystemBus()
proxy = bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1', '/org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/Authority')
authority = dbus.Interface(proxy, dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Authority')
system_bus_name = bus.get_unique_name()
subject = ('system-bus-name', {'name' : system_bus_name})
action_id = 'org.freedesktop.policykit.exec'
details = {}
flags = 1 # AllowUserInteraction flag
cancellation_id = '' # No cancellation id
result = authority.CheckAuthorization(subject, action_id, details, flags, cancellation_id)
So, how does this look in Common Lisp? Mostly the same, except that at least at the moment you have to specify the variant type explicitly! This was also the reason to document the example, it's quite hard to understand what's wrong if there's a mistake, including the socket connection just dying on you and other fun stuff.
(with-open-bus (bus (system-server-addresses))
(with-introspected-object (authority bus
(let* ((subject `("system-bus-name" (("name" ((:string) ,(bus-name bus))))))
(action-id "org.freedesktop.policykit.exec")
(details ())
(flags 1)
(cancellation-id "")
(authority "org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Authority" "CheckAuthorization"
subject action-id details flags cancellation-id)))
(format T "~A~%" result))))
Note the encoding of the dictionary: The type of the whole argument
is specified
as (sa{sv})
, a structure of a string and a dictionary of strings to variants
- we're spelling out the variant type here, compared to what's automatically
done by the Python library.
Continuing from an earlier post, what might the semantics be that we'd like to have for a more useful shell integrated with a Lisp environment?
Of course we can always keep the regular Common Lisp reader; however it's not best suited for interactive shell use. In fact I'd say interactive use period requires heavy use of editing commands to juggle parens. Which is why some people use one of the simplifications of not requiring the outermost layer of parens on the REPL.
So, one direction would be to have better S-expression manipulation on the REPL, the other to have a syntax that's more incremental than S-expressions.
E.g. imagine the scenario that,
- as a terminal user,
- I'm navigating directories,
- listing files,
- then looking for how many files there were,
- then grepping for a particular pattern,
- then opening one of the matches.
In sh
terms that's something the lines of
$ cd foo
$ ls
$ ls | wc -l
$ ls | grep bar
$ vim ...
In reality I'm somewhat sure no one's going as far as doing the last two steps
in an iterative fashion, like via ls | grep x | grep y | xargs vim
, as most
people will have a mouse readily available to select the desired name. There
are some terminal widgets which allow the user to select from e.g. one of the
input lines in a command line dialog, but again it's not a widespread pattern
and still requires manual intervention in such a case.
Also note that instead of reusing the computation the whole expression keeps being reused, which also makes this somewhat inefficient. The notion of the "current" thing being worked on ("this", "self") also isn't expressed directly here.
In the new shell I'd like to see part of explored. We already have the three
special variables *
, **
and ***
(and /
etc.!) in Common Lisp - R,
IPython and other environments usually generalise this to a numbered history,
which arguably we might want to add here as well - so it stands to reason that
these special variables make sense for a shell as well.
$ cd foo
$ ls
$ * | wc
$ grep ** bar
$ vim *
(Disregarding the need for a different globbing character ...)
There's also the very special exit status special variable in shells that we
need to replicate. This will likely be similar to Perl special variables that
keep track of one particular thing instead of reusing the *
triad of
variables for this too.
The expression compiler should be able to convert from a serial to a concurrent form as necessary, that is, by converting to the required form at each pipeline step.
ls | wc -l | vim
Here, ls
will be the built-in LIST-DIRECTORY
, which is capable of
outputting e.g. a stream of entries. wc -l
might be compiled to simply
, which, since it operates on fixed sequences, will force ls
to be
fully evaluated (disregarding a potential optimisation of just counting the
entries instead of producing all filenames). The pipe to vim
will then force
the wc
output to text format, since vim
is an unknown native binary.
These would be the default conversions. We might force a particular interpretation by adding explicit (type) conversions, or adding annotations to certain forms to explain that they accept a certain input/output format; for external binaries the annotations necessarily would be more extensive.
For actual pipelines it's extremely important that each step progresses as new data becomes available. Including proper backpressure this will ensure good performance and keep the buffer bloat to a minimum. Again this might be a tunable behaviour too.
The shell should be convenient. As such any output and error output should be captured as a standard behaviour, dropping data if the buffers would get too big. This will then allow us to refer to previous output without having to reevaluate any expression / without having to run a program again (which in both cases might be expensive).
Each datatype and object should be able to be rendered and parsed in more than a single format too. E.g. a directory listing itself might be an object, but will typically be rendered to text/JSON/XML, or to a graphical representation even.
Let me tell you about one particular annoying issue I came across when using a GC-ed environment. No, not Python, though I'm almost definitely sure it will have the same issue. No, it's of course Common Lisp, in this case CCL and SBCL in particular, both of which have a stop-the-world GC (as far as I know there are no knobs to change the behaviour outside of what I'll describe below).
Now, do you also remember these things called HDDs? Turns out that one of my external hard drives likes to shut itself down after a while. You can hear that very well. However, since the drive is still mounted, accessing (uncached) parts of the filesystem will trigger a wake event. But getting the platters up to speed again takes a lot of time, so in between what happens?
Exactly, uninterruptible sleep for the process in question. It's one of the few possibilities where that process state can happen and if it was without the specifics of the GC involved it would just block one thread while the rest, in particular the GUI thread, would keep moving.
In this particular instance though, the GUI would work for a moment and then freeze until the drive finally responded with the requested data.
Now why is that?
Turns out the GC asks each (runtime) thread to block for the GC run. This is done via signals. Except one thread won't respond to signals since it's ... sleeping. Uninterruptibly.
Suggested options include spawning a separate process and wait for I/O (which I'd rather not do, since it'd mean doing that for every single library call that might operate with e.g. files, which is basically a lot. It just seems there's no good way to deal with this except in changing the runtime and dealing with the fact that the GC might not be able to reach all threads.
I looked a bit at the CCL runtime and it seems if we promise not to do anything bad with regards to the GC, we might be able to work around it by setting a new flag on a per-thread level that excludes it from the GC waiting loop. We'd only do this around potentially problematic FFI calls, but also around known internal system calls. When returning from the foreign land we'd also need to "catch up" with the GC, potentially blocking until the current run is done (if there is one). But that's solvable, with a little bit more overhead for FFI calls. I believe that's worth it.
Since I'm all around not familiar with either the CCL or SBCL code bases I suspect that even the generalisation of doing this for all FFI would be tenable, in which case the pesky annotations would cease to be necessary, fixing the issue without having to manually adjust anything on the developer's side.
Lastly, if I knew the right terms I'm sure there are solutions for this in either GHC or Erlang, except that I wouldn't really know what to search for.
Btw. this is all super iffy to debug too, since e.g. gdb will just
in case the target process
is in this specific task state, being based on
and seemingly
inheriting it through there.
So, let's replicate
this blog post
in CL. In case it's gone, we want to fetch all pictures from Reddit's /r/pics
curl -s -H "User-Agent: cli:bash:v0.0.0 (by /u/codesharer)" \ \
| jq '.data.children[].data.url' \
| xargs -P 0 -n 1 -I {} bash -c 'curl -s -O {}'
First, we need a HTTP client (drakma being canonical) and a JSON parser (cl-json will suffice here, you might want to use a different one depending on the parsing/serialisation needs).
(asdf:load-systems '#:drakma '#:cl-json)
Next, we define our workflow, fetch JSON content from a URL, get the list of URLs and download each one of them.
We need to download the JSON first, so let's start with that:
(defun scrape-sub (name)
(format NIL "" name)
:user-agent "repl:abcl:v0.0.0 (by /u/nyir)"))
If we run, we'll see that the output is just a byte vector:
#(123 34 107 ...)
That's actually fine for the JSON library, but more readably we could either set a flag for Drakma, or convert it manually:
(babel:octets-to-string *)
The second step is parsing it from the JSON format, so extending it will be like the following:
(defun scrape-sub (name)
(format NIL "" name)
:user-agent "repl:abcl:v0.0.0 (by /u/nyir)"))))
The output now looks a bit different:
((:KIND . "Listing") (:DATA (:MODHASH . "") ...))
But it's already getting more manageable. Next we want the URL bit of
the data. Unfortunately I don't know of a good library that would allow
us to specify something as a kind of XPath-style selector. So we'll go
ahead and to it manually. The .data.children
bit will be something
like (cdr (assoc :children (cdr (assoc :data <json>))))
, since cl-json
returns an association list; children[]
means we'll iterate over all
children and collect the results; data.url
again is the same kind of
accessor like (cdr (assoc :url (cdr (assoc :data <json>))))
(defun scrape-sub (name)
(let ((json (cl-json:decode-json-from-source
(format NIL "" name)
:user-agent "repl:abcl:v0.0.0 (by /u/nyir)")))))
(mapcar (lambda (child)
(cdr (assoc :url (cdr (assoc :data child)))))
(cdr (assoc :children (cdr (assoc :data json)))))))
Now the output is just a list of strings:
("" "" ...)
Here's one a addition I'll put in, filtering for image file types. That
might still be unreliable of course, but it'll remove a whole bunch of
potentially wrong links already. For filtering, MAPCAR
suitable, either we could do it in multiple stages, or we'll use
something like MAPCAN
, or an explicit iteration construct like
. I'll go with MAPCAN
here, meaning every element to
collect needs to be wrapped in a list:
(defun scrape-sub (name)
(let ((json (cl-json:decode-json-from-source
(format NIL "" name)
:user-agent "repl:abcl:v0.0.0 (by /u/nyir)")))))
(mapcan (lambda (child)
(let ((url (cdr (assoc :url (cdr (assoc :data child))))))
(and url
(member (pathname-type (pathname (puri:uri-path (puri:parse-uri url))))
'("jpg" "png")
:test #'string-equal)
(list url))))
(cdr (assoc :children (cdr (assoc :data json)))))))
I'm happy with that and it now filters for two image types.
Last point, actually downloading all scraped results. For this, we just iterate and download them as before:
(defun scrape-sub (name)
(let* ((agent "repl:abcl:v0.0.0 (by /u/nyir)")
(json (cl-json:decode-json-from-source
(format NIL "" name)
:user-agent agent))))
(mapcan (lambda (child)
(let ((url (cdr (assoc :url (cdr (assoc :data child))))))
(when url
(let ((pathname (pathname (puri:uri-path (puri:parse-uri url)))))
(when (member (pathname-type pathname)
'("jpg" "png")
:test #'string-equal)
`((,url ,pathname)))))))
(cdr (assoc :children (cdr (assoc :data json)))))))
(mapc (lambda (download)
(destructuring-bind (url pathname) download
(with-open-file (stream (merge-pathnames *default-pathname-defaults* pathname)
:direction :output
:element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
(drakma:http-request url :user-agent agent)
And this works.
Now. This is decidedly not a demonstration of how the final result should look like. In fact there a whole lof of things to improve and to consider when you'd put this into a reusable script.
From a maintainability perspective, we'd put each functional part into it's own component, be it a function or method, in order to make them easier to reason about and to test each bit individually.
From a performance part ... oh my, there's so much wrong with it, mostly slurping everything into memory multiple times, while drakma does support streams as results and HTTP Keep-Alive, both would improve things. The JSON parser could in theory also operate on tokens, but that's rarely worth the hassle (the CXML API can be used for that, by converting JSON "events" into a stream of SAX events basically). Lastly creating the output lists isn't necessary, this could all be done inline or with continuation passing style, but that's worse for maintaining a nice split between functions.
From a correctness part, all the URLS might have weird characters in them that don't work well with pathnames and/or the local filesystem. In fact PURI might not be the best choice here either. Also, even if the URLs are different, more than one of them might have the same filename, meaning there should either be some error handling in there, or the URLs should be hashed to be used as filename or some other scheme accomplishing the same thing. Lastly, the download files should be checked for emptiness, wrong content (HTML bits would indicate a failed download too), broken images, etc.
Another nice thing to add would be xattr support for indicating where the file was downloaded from.
Just as a quick note, JSS and the JAVA
package too won't allow you to treat
s objects as JavaObject
s for the purposes of JFIELD
. But if you still want to access internal fields and
implementation details (the usual warnings apply!), try the following:
(jss:get-java-field (jss:new 'JavaObject (car (threads:mapcar-threads #'identity))) "javaThread" T)
This was because I was looking for an answer to a question on #abcl
, but even
then, wrapping the "Lisp" object in a JavaObject
manually helps achieve the
requested goal of retrieving the Java Thread
The T
at the end is necessary here because the field is actually
package-private - but that's to be expected if you want to access internals
without an (official) API.
A feature of JVM byte code that I knew about, but didn't concern me too much when I previously hacked on ABCL was interesting to see in a particular bug report, where a function, when compiled, got rejected by the byte code validator:
(compile NIL (lambda (list) (nth (lambda ()) list)))
;; => Compiled function can't be loaded
This is true for any class loader, so COMPILE-FILE
with LOAD
would show the
same behaviour.
The reason here is inlining: In order to give better performance when some
information about the types is known, the call to NTH
will actually be
optimised here. One option to see this is to set a debug option to dump the
generated byte code while the compilation runs:
(setf jvm::*compiler-debug* T)
(Part) of the output will look like this:
0 GETSTATIC #24 <Field LispObject 42c1_92be_e5b48c1894c6.LFUN1812724>
1 ALOAD (1)
3 INVOKEVIRTUAL #30 <Method LispObject LispObject.NTH(int)> -1
is not an option precisely because the byte code can't be
loaded at all (that's actually a nice idea as another function to dump not only
the compiled FASL content, but also disassemble the contained byte code too).
With that option set (and perhaps setting a few BREAK
statements in the
compiler), it's somewhat easy to debug the compiled byte code and to see that
the validator notices that the Java method that implements the NTH
requires an integer (fixnum) argument, but the LispObject
(the lambda)
doesn't match that signature. This is not a problem if this was a regular
call. In fact, with inlining disabled the NTH
function will still raise an
error for an argument with the wrong type!
Finally the fix is to check for the derived type in the "P2" transformation
function for NTH
(define-inlined-function compile-nth (form target representation)
((check-arg-count form 2))
(let* ((index-form (second form))
(list-form (third form))
;;; new check here
(index-type (derive-compiler-type index-form)))
(unless (fixnum-type-p index-type)
(compile-function-call form target representation)
(return-from compile-nth))
;;; till here
((compile-operand index-form :int)
(compile-operand list-form nil)
(maybe-emit-clear-values index-form list-form))
(emit 'swap)
(emit-invokevirtual +lisp-object+ "NTH" '(:int) +lisp-object+))
(fix-boxing representation nil) ; FIXME use derived result type
(emit-move-from-stack target representation)))
Note the falling back to a "general" function call using
here in case the type is not known in advance, or not a
fixnum type (though that could also raise a warning here already).
Again, compiling the above function again looks a bit different in the general case:
0 GETSTATIC #29 <Field Symbol 4faf_99d9_62a0381d4d65.SYM1814566>
1 GETSTATIC #33 <Field LispObject 4faf_99d9_62a0381d4d65.LFUN1814565>
2 ALOAD (1)
3 INVOKEVIRTUAL #39 <Method LispObject LispObject.execute(LispObject,LispObject)> -2
If instead a fixnum constant is used, (nth 1 list)
, this simplifies a lot:
1 ALOAD (1)
3 INVOKEVIRTUAL #24 <Method LispObject LispObject.NTH(int)> -1
Compare that to adding a (declare (type fixnum ...))
declaration - not as
good as a constant argument, but still directly calling the Java method:
0 ALOAD (1)
1 INVOKEVIRTUAL #24 <Method int LispObject.intValue()> 0
2 ISTORE (1)
3 ILOAD (1)
4 ALOAD (2)
6 INVOKEVIRTUAL #28 <Method LispObject LispObject.NTH(int)> -1
Note here that the type error (e.g. for again supplying the (lambda ())
) will
be raised at the caller site already!
Lastly, a good idea would also be to generally add more hints, as e.g. SBCL does, to debug other issues ("failed to inline because ..."), but that's for another day.
I've been reading about multi-threaded programming out of curiosity over lock-free algorithms.
The first thing I've implemented for that was actually something completely different, namely a short example of memory reordering ported over from a C++ program.
In Common Lisp this relies on SBCL because of the availability of memory
barriers and the Linux-specific API to set the thread affinity to a single CPU
core (sb-cpu-affinity
). Of
course, given the appropriate compability libraries this could easily be done
on other implementations too.
(in-package #:cl-user)
(defun main (&key single-cpu-p barrierp)
(let ((begin-semaphore-1 (sb-thread:make-semaphore))
(begin-semaphore-2 (sb-thread:make-semaphore))
(end-semaphore (sb-thread:make-semaphore))
(iterations 0)
(detected 0)
(x 0)
(y 0)
(r1 0)
(r2 0)
(declare (fixnum x y r1 r2))
(declare (boolean done))
(declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0) (debug 0) (compilation-speed 0)))
(labels ((single-cpu ()
(when single-cpu-p
(with-cpu-affinity-mask (mask :save T)
(clear-cpu-affinity-mask mask)
(setf (cpu-affinity-p 0 mask) T))))
(thread-1 ()
(when done
(sb-thread:wait-on-semaphore begin-semaphore-1)
(setf x 1)
(when barrierp
(sb-thread:barrier (:memory)))
(setf r1 y)
(sb-thread:signal-semaphore end-semaphore)))
(thread-2 ()
(when done
(sb-thread:wait-on-semaphore begin-semaphore-2)
(setf y 1)
(when barrierp
(sb-thread:barrier (:memory)))
(setf r2 x)
(sb-thread:signal-semaphore end-semaphore))))
(let ((thread-1 (sb-thread:make-thread #'thread-1))
(thread-2 (sb-thread:make-thread #'thread-2)))
(setf x 0 y 0)
(sb-thread:signal-semaphore begin-semaphore-1)
(sb-thread:signal-semaphore begin-semaphore-2)
(sb-thread:wait-on-semaphore end-semaphore)
(sb-thread:wait-on-semaphore end-semaphore)
(when (and (eql r1 0) (eql r2 0))
(incf detected)
(format T "~D reorders detected after ~D iterations, every ~D on average~%" detected iterations (floor iterations detected)))
(incf iterations))
(setf done T)
(sb-thread:signal-semaphore begin-semaphore-1)
(sb-thread:signal-semaphore begin-semaphore-2)
(sb-thread:join-thread thread-1)
(sb-thread:join-thread thread-2))))))
On the JVM, respectively Kotlin, the code looks
again remarkably similar. I haven't yet looked at thread affinity, but what's
interesting here are two aspects related to the JVM memory model. Using
is, in contrast to C, viable, as it generates the necessary memory
import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore
import kotlin.concurrent.thread
class HelloWorld {
var beginSempahore1 = Semaphore(0)
var beginSempahore2 = Semaphore(0)
var endSemaphore = Semaphore(0)
var detected = 0
var iterations = 0
@Volatile var x = 0
@Volatile var y = 0
var r1 = 0
var r2 = 0
fun run() {
thread {
while (true) {
x = 1
r1 = y
thread {
while (true) {
y = 1
r2 = x
while (true) {
iterations += 1
x = 0
y = 0
if (r1 == 0 && r2 == 0) {
println("$detected reorders detected after $iterations iterations")
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
Also, when using a JVM plugin, the generated assembly code can be dumped during compilation, which allows us to confirm whether those instructions actually have been generated; for the first loop:
0x00007f9ad4f503c9: mov (%rcx),%r11d ;*getfield this$0
; - HelloWorld$run$1::invoke@11 (line 21)
0x00007f9ad4f503cc: test %r11d,%r11d
0x00007f9ad4f503cf: je 0x00007f9ad4f507a9
0x00007f9ad4f503d5: movl $0x1,0x14(%r12,%r11,8)
0x00007f9ad4f503de: lock addl $0x0,(%rsp) ;*putfield x
; - HelloWorld::setX@2 (line 12)
; - HelloWorld$run$1::invoke@15 (line 21)
0x00007f9ad4f503e3: mov (%rcx),%r10d ;*getfield this$0
; - HelloWorld$run$1::invoke@19 (line 22)
0x00007f9ad4f503e6: test %r10d,%r10d
0x00007f9ad4f503e9: je 0x00007f9ad4f507cd ;*invokevirtual getY
; - HelloWorld$run$1::invoke@26 (line 22)
0x00007f9ad4f503ef: mov 0x18(%r12,%r10,8),%r11d ;*getfield y
; - HelloWorld::getY@1 (line 13)
; - HelloWorld$run$1::invoke@26 (line 22)
0x00007f9ad4f503f4: mov %r11d,0x1c(%r12,%r10,8) ;*putfield r1
; - HelloWorld::setR1@2 (line 14)
; - HelloWorld$run$1::invoke@29 (line 22)
And for the second loop:
0x00007f9ad4f47269: mov (%rcx),%r11d ;*getfield this$0
; - HelloWorld$run$2::invoke@11 (line 30)
0x00007f9ad4f4726c: test %r11d,%r11d
0x00007f9ad4f4726f: je 0x00007f9ad4f47629
0x00007f9ad4f47275: movl $0x1,0x18(%r12,%r11,8)
0x00007f9ad4f4727e: lock addl $0x0,(%rsp) ;*putfield y
; - HelloWorld::setY@2 (line 13)
; - HelloWorld$run$2::invoke@15 (line 30)
0x00007f9ad4f47283: mov (%rcx),%r10d ;*getfield this$0
; - HelloWorld$run$2::invoke@19 (line 31)
0x00007f9ad4f47286: test %r10d,%r10d
0x00007f9ad4f47289: je 0x00007f9ad4f4764d ;*invokevirtual getX
; - HelloWorld$run$2::invoke@26 (line 31)
0x00007f9ad4f4728f: mov 0x14(%r12,%r10,8),%r11d ;*getfield x
; - HelloWorld::getX@1 (line 12)
; - HelloWorld$run$2::invoke@26 (line 31)
0x00007f9ad4f47294: mov %r11d,0x20(%r12,%r10,8) ;*putfield r2
; - HelloWorld::setR2@2 (line 15)
; - HelloWorld$run$2::invoke@29 (line 31)
And the main loop:
0x00007fd383813838: lock addl $0x0,(%rsp) ;*putfield x
; - HelloWorld::run@58 (line 38)
0x00007fd38381383d: mov $0x0,%edx
0x00007fd383813842: mov %edx,0x18(%rsi)
0x00007fd383813845: lock addl $0x0,(%rsp) ;*putfield y
; - HelloWorld::run@63 (line 39)
0x00007fd38381384a: mov 0x24(%rsi),%edi
Note that in contrast to the original and the Common Lisp version there's one additional memory barrier here that's unnecessary.
Occasionally the topic of asynchronous I/O on local files comes up, though while there are APIs for event-based processing they don't work on regular files, resulting in the use of worker threads to circumvent this restriction.
The inciting incident for me to look into this was the fact that one of my (external, spinning-disk) hard drives has a rather short timeout for spin-down, such that when pausing while browsing through a directory tree would often annoy me when the shell (or any other program) was completely blocked as the motor was being turned on again.
At least on Linux
(since version 2.5)
there is actually a kernel syscall interface for asynchronous file I/O.
Unfortunately it is not being exposed via the libc at all, requiring custom
wrappers in order to trigger the proper syscalls. Apart from scheduling
asynchronous read and write requests it also supports exposing the
corresponding events via an
queue, which then allows us to use epoll
and friends.
SBCL being the ultimate breadboard that's not particularly hard though. Using CFFI and IOLib for convenience it's straightforward to port the C examples while writing a minimal amount of C code. The code is of course not very high-level, but can be plugged straight into the IOLib event loop as there's now a file descriptor available to listen on.
Grovelling & wrapping
The groveller can be used quite nicely to prevent us from having to drop down to C completely. Of course we're also using ASDF, so everything's peachy.
Now what's required? CFFI provides additional components for ASDF, namely
, which make the process seamless
and don't require us to write and code related to compiling and loading the C
;; -*- mode: lisp; syntax: common-lisp; coding: utf-8-unix; package: cl-user; -*-
(in-package #:cl-user)
(asdf:defsystem #:example
:defsystem-depends-on (#:cffi-grovel)
#+asdf-unicode :encoding #+asdf-unicode :utf-8
:depends-on (#:iterate
:serial T
:components ((:module "src"
((:file "package")
(:file "wrapper")
(:cffi-grovel-file "linux-aio-grovel")
(:cffi-wrapper-file "linux-aio-wrapper")
(:file "linux-aio")))))
The package definition is probably not very interesting at this point:
(in-package #:cl-user)
(defpackage #:example
(:use #:cl #:iterate #:iolib #:cffi))
I've added IOLib and CFFI, usually also ITERATE
for convenience.
Next we grovel a couple of definitions related to the kernel API for the
asynchronous requests and for eventfd
. This is the linux-aio-grovel
mentioned above:
(in-package #:example)
(include "stdio.h" "unistd.h" "sys/syscall.h" "linux/aio_abi.h" "inttypes.h"
"signal.h" "sys/eventfd.h")
(ctype aio-context-t "aio_context_t")
(cenum iocb-cmd-t
((:pread "IOCB_CMD_PREAD"))
((:pwrite "IOCB_CMD_PWRITE"))
((:fsync "IOCB_CMD_FSYNC"))
((:fdsync "IOCB_CMD_FDSYNC"))
((:noop "IOCB_CMD_NOOP"))
((:preadv "IOCB_CMD_PREADV"))
((:pwritev "IOCB_CMD_PWRITEV")))
(constantenum iocb-flags-t
((:resfd "IOCB_FLAG_RESFD")))
(cstruct iocb "struct iocb"
(aio-data "aio_data" :type :uint64)
;; #-little-endian
;; (aio-reserved1 "aio_reserved1" :type :uint32)
(aio-key "aio_key" :type :uint32)
;; #+little-endian
;; (aio-reserved1 "aio_reserved1" :type :uint32)
(aio-lio-opcode "aio_lio_opcode" :type iocb-cmd-t)
(aio-fildes "aio_fildes" :type :uint32)
(aio-buf "aio_buf" :type :uint64)
(aio-nbytes "aio_nbytes" :type :uint64)
(aio-offset "aio_offset" :type :int64)
;; (aio-reserved2 "aio_reserved2" :type :uint64)
(aio-flags "aio_flags" :type :uint32)
(aio-resfd "aio_resfd" :type :uint32))
(cstruct io-event "struct io_event"
(data "data" :type :uint64)
(obj "obj" :type :uint64)
(res "res" :type :int64)
(res2 "res" :type :int64))
(cenum eventfd-flags-t
((:cloexec "EFD_CLOEXEC"))
((:nonblock "EFD_NONBLOCK"))
((:semaphore "EFD_SEMAPHORE")))
Note that this not a complete list and a couple of reserved members are commented out as they're primarily used to provide space for further expansion. Fortunately offsets for the rest of the struct aren't affected by leaving out parts in the Lisp-side definition.
The enums are easy enough, even though they both represent flags, so should be or-ed together, which might be necessary to do manually or by finding a way to let CFFI do the coercion from a list of flags perhaps.
In order to have nice syscall wrappers we'd normally use defsyscall
IOLib. Unfortunately we also want to use defwrapper
from CFFI-GROVEL. This
is an example of bad composability of macros, requiring copy and paste of
source code. Of course with enough refactoring or an optional parameter this
could be circumvented. This is the wrapper
file from the ASDF definition.
;; groan
(define-wrapper-syntax defwrapper/syscall* (name-and-options rettype args &rest c-lines)
;; output C code
(multiple-value-bind (lisp-name foreign-name options)
(cffi::parse-name-and-options name-and-options)
(let ((foreign-name-wrap (strcat foreign-name "_cffi_wrap"))
(fargs (mapcar (lambda (arg)
(list (c-type-name (second arg))
(cffi::foreign-name (first arg) nil)))
(format out "~A ~A" (c-type-name rettype)
(format out "(~{~{~A ~A~}~^, ~})~%" fargs)
(format out "{~%~{ ~A~%~}}~%~%" c-lines)
;; matching bindings
(push `(iolib/syscalls:defsyscall (,foreign-name-wrap ,lisp-name ,@options)
,(cffi-type rettype)
,@(mapcar (lambda (arg)
(list (symbol* (first arg))
(cffi-type (second arg))))
The only change from DEFWRAPPER
instead of DEFCFUN
, which then performs additional checks with respect to the
return value, raising a IOLIB/SYSCALLS:SYSCALL-ERROR
that we can then catch
rather than having to check the return value ourselves.
Lastly, the actual wrappers. Note that some inline C is used to define the
function bodies. This is linux-aio-wrapper
from the ASDF definition:
(define "_GNU_SOURCE")
(include "stdio.h" "unistd.h" "sys/syscall.h" "linux/aio_abi.h" "inttypes.h"
(defwrapper/syscall* "io_setup" :int
((nr :unsigned-int)
(ctxp ("aio_context_t*" (:pointer aio-context-t))))
"return syscall(__NR_io_setup, nr, ctxp);")
(defwrapper/syscall* "io_destroy" :int
((ctx aio-context-t))
"return syscall(__NR_io_destroy, ctx);")
(defwrapper/syscall* "io_submit" :int
((ctx aio-context-t)
(nr :long)
(iocbpp ("struct iocb**" (:pointer (:pointer (:struct iocb))))))
"return syscall(__NR_io_submit, ctx, nr, iocbpp);")
(defwrapper/syscall* "io_cancel" :int
((ctx aio-context-t)
(iocbp ("struct iocb*" (:pointer (:struct iocb))))
(result ("struct io_event*" (:pointer (:struct io-event)))))
"return syscall(__NR_io_cancel, ctx, iocbp, result);")
(defwrapper/syscall* "io_getevents" :int
((ctx aio-context-t)
(min-nr :long)
(max-nr :long)
(events ("struct io_event*" (:pointer (:struct io-event))))
(timeout ("struct timespec*" (:pointer (:struct iolib/syscalls::timespec)))))
"return syscall(__NR_io_getevents, ctx, min_nr, max_nr, events, timeout);")
Now that we have all definitions in place, let's translate a moderately complex example of reading from an existing file.
is defined here as the C function is already defined in the libc
and doesn't have to generated.
(iolib/syscalls:defsyscall eventfd :int
(initval :unsigned-int)
(flags eventfd-flags-t))
(defun linux-aio-test (pathname &key (chunk-size 4096))
(with-foreign-object (context 'aio-context-t)
(iolib/syscalls:memset context 0 (foreign-type-size 'aio-context-t))
(let ((eventfd (eventfd 0 :nonblock)))
(with-open-file (stream pathname :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
(let* ((length (file-length stream))
(chunks (ceiling length chunk-size)))
(with-foreign-object (buffer :uint8 length)
(with-event-base (event-base)
(io-setup 1 context) ; set up with number of possible operations
(with-foreign-object (iocbs '(:struct iocb) chunks)
(iolib/syscalls:memset iocbs 0 (* (foreign-type-size '(:struct iocb)) chunks))
;; set up array of operations
(dotimes (i chunks)
(let ((iocb (mem-aptr iocbs '(:struct iocb) i)))
(setf (foreign-slot-value iocb '(:struct iocb) 'aio-lio-opcode) :pread)
(setf (foreign-slot-value iocb '(:struct iocb) 'aio-buf) (pointer-address (mem-aptr buffer :uint8 (* i chunk-size))))
(setf (foreign-slot-value iocb '(:struct iocb) 'aio-nbytes) (if (eql i (1- chunks)) (- length (* i chunk-size)) chunk-size))
(setf (foreign-slot-value iocb '(:struct iocb) 'aio-fildes) (sb-sys:fd-stream-fd stream))
(setf (foreign-slot-value iocb '(:struct iocb) 'aio-offset) (* i chunk-size))
(setf (foreign-slot-value iocb '(:struct iocb) 'aio-flags) (foreign-enum-value 'iocb-flags-t :resfd))
(setf (foreign-slot-value iocb '(:struct iocb) 'aio-resfd) eventfd)))
;; set up array of pointers to operations
(with-foreign-object (iocbp '(:pointer (:struct iocb)) chunks)
(dotimes (i chunks)
(setf (mem-aref iocbp '(:pointer (:struct iocb)) i) (mem-aptr iocbs '(:struct iocb) i)))
;; submit as many operations as possible
(let ((submitted (io-submit (mem-ref context 'aio-context-t) chunks iocbp)))
;; keep track of how many operations completed total
(let ((total-events-read 0))
(flet ((get-events () ; named to be able to RETURN-FROM
(with-foreign-object (events '(:struct io-event) 3)
(with-foreign-object (available-buffer :uint64)
(iolib/syscalls:read eventfd available-buffer 8)
(let ((available (mem-ref available-buffer :uint64)))
(dotimes (i available)
(let ((events-read (io-getevents (mem-ref context 'aio-context-t) 0 3 events (null-pointer))))
(when (eql events-read 0)
(incf total-events-read events-read))
(when (eql total-events-read chunks)
(return-from linux-aio-test)))))
;; in case reading would block
(iolib/syscalls:syscall-error ()
(when (< submitted chunks)
(let ((more-submitted (io-submit (mem-ref context 'aio-context-t) chunks (mem-aptr iocbp '(:pointer (:struct iocb)) submitted))))
(incf submitted more-submitted)))
(return-from get-events)))))))
event-base eventfd :read
(lambda (fd event exception)
(declare (ignore fd event exception))
(event-dispatch event-base))))))))))
(io-destroy (mem-ref context 'aio-context-t))
(iolib/syscalls:close eventfd)))))
Relatively straightforward. Complexity comes from accurately submitting chunks, reading the number of available events on demand and submitting a new batch of chunks as long as there are some remaining ones.
statement as you like. Tuning the values would need to be
considered in order to keep memory consumption in check. Finally
We still can't do many local file operations asynchronously. The whole reason to jump through these hoops is of course to integrate potentially blocking operations into an event loop, so some care still needs to be taken to do some work ahead of time or in separate threads as to not block the main part of the program from issuing the I/O requests.
So after adding a dispatch mechanism into the DISASSEMBLE
function of ABCL I
also want to show a neat way of disassembling arbitrary Java classes using one
of the provided disassemblers.
First of, make sure that you have the ObjectWeb ASM library in your classpath
(everything up from version 3 should work at least, perhaps even lower
versions), note that in future releases you might be able to load it via Maven
and one of the optional contribs as well, likely via (require '#:asm-all)
Next up, try (disassemble #'list)
and confirm that some output is shown.
Now to show bytecode for arbitrary Java classes we've got to jump through some additional hoops - though perhaps at some point this could become a stable API as well:
(system::objectweb-disassemble (#"getResourceAsStream" (java:jclass "java.lang.Object") "/java/util/Random.class"))
I haven't tried this via the JAD disassembler, but it seems likely that a similar approach should work for it too.
The purpose of this article is to examine how using ABCL with existing libraries (arguably the main point of using ABCL at the moment) actually looks like in practice. Never mind integration with Spring, or other more involved frameworks, this will only touch a single library and won't require us to write from-Java-callable classes.
In the process of refining this I'm hoping to also get ideas about the requirements for building a better DSL for the Java FFI, based on the intended "look" of the code (that is, coding by wishful thinking).
Ensuring the correct package is somewhat optional:
(in-package #:cl-user)
Generally using JSS is a bit nicer than the plain Java FFI. After the contribs are loaded, JSS can be required and used:
(require '#:abcl-contrib)
(require '#:jss)
(use-package '#:jss)
Next, we need access to the right libraries. After building LIRE from
source and executing the mvn dist
command we end up with a JAR file
for LIRE and several dependencies in the lib
folder. All of them need
to be on the classpath:
(add-to-classpath "~/src/LIRE/dist/lire.jar")
(mapc #'add-to-classpath (directory "~/src/LIRE/dist/lib/*.jar")))
Since we're going to read pictures in a couple of places, a helper to load one from a pathname is a good start:
(defun read-image (pathname)
(#"read" 'javax.imageio.ImageIO (new ' (namestring pathname))))
To note here is the use of NEW
from JSS with a symbol for the class
name, the conversion of the pathname to a regular string, since the Java
side doesn't expect a Lisp object and the #""
reader syntax from JSS
to invoke the method read
in a bit of a simpler way than using the FFI
calls directly.
JSS will automatically "import" Java names, so the same function can simply be the following instead (provided that the names aren't ambiguous):
(defun read-image (pathname)
(#"read" 'ImageIO (new 'File (namestring pathname))))
The names will be looked up again on every call though, so this option isn't the best performing one.
For comparison, the raw FFI would be a bit more verbose, but explicitely specifies all names:
(defun read-image (pathname)
(jstatic "read" "javax.imageio.ImageIO" (jnew "" (namestring pathname))))
Though with a combination of JSS and cached lookup it could be nicer, even though the setup is more verbose:
(defvar +image-io+ (jclass "javax.imageio.ImageIO"))
(defvar +file+ (jclass ""))
(defun read-image (pathname)
(#"read" +image-io+ (jnew +file+ (namestring pathname))))
At this point without other improvements (auto-coercion of pathnames, importing namespaces) it's about as factored as it will be (except moving every single call into its own Lisp wrapper function).
Building an index
To keep it simple building the index will be done from a list of pathnames in a single step while providing the path of the index as a separate parameter:
(defun build-index (index-name pathnames)
(let ((global-document-builder
(new 'GlobalDocumentBuilder (find-java-class 'CEDD)))
(index-writer (#"createIndexWriter"
(get-java-field 'LuceneUtils$AnalyzerType "WhitespaceAnalyzer"))))
(dolist (pathname pathnames)
(let ((pathname (namestring pathname)))
(format T "Indexing ~A ..." pathname)
(let* ((image (read-image pathname))
(document (#"createDocument" global-document-builder image pathname)))
(#"addDocument" index-writer document))
(format T " done.~%")))
(#"closeWriter" 'LuceneUtils index-writer))))
Note: This code won't work on current ABCL as is, because the lookup
is disabled for for nested classes (those containing the dollar
character). Because of this, the AnalyzerType
class would have to be
looked up as follows:
(jfield "net.semanticmetadata.lire.utils.LuceneUtils$AnalyzerType" "WhitespaceAnalyzer")
All in all nothing fancy, JSS takes care of a lot of typing as the names are all unique enough.
The process is simply creating the document builder and index writer, reading all the files one by one and adding them to the index. There's no error checking at the moment though.
To note here is that looking up the precise kind of a Java name is a bit
of a hassle. Of course intuition goes a long way, but again, manually
figuring out whether a name is a nested class or static/enum field is
annoying enough since it involves either repeated calls to JAPROPOS
or reading more Java documentation.
Apart from that, this is mostly a direct transcription. Unfortunately
written this way there's no point in creating a WITH-OPEN-*
macro to
automatically close the writer, however, looking at the LuceneUtils
source this could be accomplished by directly calling close
on the
writer object instead - a corresponding macro might this then:
(defmacro with-open ((name value) &body body)
`(let ((,name ,value))
(progn ,@body)
(#"close" ,name))))
It would also be nice to have auto conversion using keywords for enum values instead of needing to look up the value manually.
Querying an index
The other way round, looking up related pictures by passing in an example, is done using an image searcher:
(defun query-index (index-name pathname)
(let* ((image (read-image pathname))
(index-reader (#"open" 'DirectoryReader
(#"open" 'FSDirectory
(#"get" 'Paths index-name (jnew-array "java.lang.String" 0))))))
(let* ((image-searcher (new 'GenericFastImageSearcher 30 (find-java-class 'CEDD)))
(hits (#"search" image-searcher image index-reader)))
(dotimes (i (#"length" hits))
(let ((found-pathname (#"getValues" (#"document" index-reader (#"documentID" hits i))
(get-java-field 'builders.DocumentBuilder "FIELD_NAME_IDENTIFIER"))))
(format T "~F: ~A~%" (#"score" hits i) found-pathname))))
(#"closeReader" 'LuceneUtils index-reader))))
To note here is that the get
call on java.nio.file.Paths
took way
more time to figure out than should've been necessary: Essentially the
method is using a variable number of arguments, but the FFI doesn't help
in any way, so the array (of the correct type!) needs to be set up
manually, especially if the number of variable arguments is zero. This
is not obvious at first and also takes unnecessary writing.
The rest of the code is straightforward again. At least a common
wrapper for the length
call would be nice, but since the result object
doesn't actually implement a collection interface, the point about
having better collection iteration is kind of moot here.
A better DSL
Considering how verbose the previous examples were, how would the "ideal" way look like?
There are different ways which are more, or less intertwined with Java semantics. On the one end, we could imagine something akin to "Java in Lisp":
(defun read-image (pathname)
(ImageIO/read (FileInputStream. pathname)))
Which is almost how it would look like in Clojure. However, this is
complicating semantics. While importing would be an extension to the
package mechanism (or possibly just a file-wide setting), the
syntax and Class.
syntax are non-trivial reader
extensions, not from the actual implementation point of view, but from
the user point of view. They'd basically disallow a wide range of
formerly legal Lisp names.
(defun read-image (pathname)
(#"read" 'ImageIO (new 'FileInputStream pathname)))
This way is the middle ground that we have now. The one addition here could be that name lookup is done at macro expansion / compilation time, so they are fixed one step before execution, whereas at the moment the JSS reader macro will allow for very late bound name lookup instead.
The similarity with CLOS would be the use of symbols for class names, but the distinction is still there, since there's not much in terms of integrating CLOS and Java OO yet (which might not be desirable anyway?).
Auto-coercion to Java data types also takes place in both cases. Generally this would be appropriate, except for places where we'd really want the Java side to receive a Lisp object. Having a special variable to disable conversion might be enough for these purposes.
If we were to forego the nice properties of JSS by requiring a function form, the following would be another option:
(defun read-image (pathname)
$(read 'ImageIO (new 'FileInputStream pathname)))
Where $(...)
would be special syntax indicating a Java method call.
Of course the exact syntax is not very relevant, more importantly static
properties could be used to generate a faster, early bound call by
examining the supplied arguments as a limited form of type inference.
After introducing the necessary steps to start using ABCL with "native" Java libraries, we transcribed two example programs from the library homepage.
Part of this process was to examine how the interaction between the Common Lisp and Java parts looks like, using the "raw" and the simplified JSS API. In all cases the FFI is clunkier than needs be. Especially the additional Java namespaces are making things longer than necessary. The obvious way of "importing" classes by storing a reference in a Lisp variable is viable, but again isn't automated.
Based on the verbose nature of the Java calls an idea about how a more concise FFI DSL could look like was developed next and discussed. At a future point in time this idea could now be developed fully and integrated (as a contrib) into ABCL.
After all the trouble I went through with trying to get an image viewer to work
in CL (due to the used GTK+ 3 library being problematic, that is, unmaintained)
maybe a different approach is more viable. It would be possible to use one
existing program as a front end by calling it via IPC. So e.g. feh
, my
go-to program for that task, already has configurable keybindings; it should be
a smaller problem to remote control it (even with adding some code).
However, as with all these *nix combinators, it feels like a mish-mash of tools intertwined and not-quite the optimal solution.
Consider what happens if you want to add new functionality, i.e. new widgets.
In that case composability breaks down since feh
is relatively minimal and
therefore doesn't have much options in terms of providing different menus,
input widgets, etc. Therefore you'd have to find either a different viewer
with more scripting capabilities (which is counter to the "one-tool" mantra),
or switch to a more integrated approach to have this component as an internal
part of your environment.
Obviously now would be the time for either components/CORBA, or a Lisp Machine to hack up other programs.
Or switch to Qt. It seems that the bindings for that framework are more stable than the GTK bindings and additionally they (Qt) just have more people working on the framework.
Since one of the problems with the GTK bindings is the relatively recent upgrade to GTK+ 3, there seems to be a point in using the previous version 2 instead, considering that even GIMP didn't update yet.
Yesterday the 8th European Lisp Symposium finished. In short it was a great experience (I was there the first time, but hopefully not the last). The variety and quality of talks was great, a good number of people attended both the actual talks as well as both(!) dinners, so there were lots of opportunities to exchange thoughts and quiz people, including on Lisp. Also except for one talk I believe all talks happened, which is also a very good ratio.
For the talks I still have to go through the proceedings a bit for details, but obviously the talk about the Lisp/C++ interoperability with Clasp was (at least for me) long awaited and very well executed. Both the background information on the origins, as well as the technical description on the use of LLVM and the integration of multiple other projects (ECL, SICL, Cleavir) were very interesting and informative.
There were also quite a number of Racket talks, which was surprising to me, but given the source of these projects it makes sense since the GUI is pretty good. VIGRA, although it's a bit unfortunate name, looks pretty nice. The fact that the bindings to a number of languages are available and in the case of the Lisps make the interaction a lot easier is good to see, so it might be a good alternative to OpenCV. It's also encouraging that students enjoy this approach and are as it seems productive with the library.
P2R, the Processing implementation in Racket is similarly interesting as there is a huge community using Processing and making programming CAD applications easier via a known environment is obviously nice and should give users more opportunities in that area.
If I remember correctly the final Racket talk was about constraining application behaviour, which was I guess more of a sketch how application modularity and user-understandable permissions could be both implemented and enforced. I still wonder about the applicability in e.g. a Lisp or regular *nix OS.
The more deeply technical talks regarding the garbage collector (be it in SBCL, or Allegro CL) were both very interesting in that normally I (and I imagine lots of people) don't have (a chance) to get down to that level and therefore learning about some details about those things is appreciated.
Same goes for the first talk by Robert Strandh, Processing List Elements in
Reverse Order, which was really great to hear about in the sense that I
usually appreciate the :from-end
parameter of all the sequence functions and
still didn't read the details of the interaction between actual order of
iteration vs. the final result of the function. Then again, the question
persists if any programs are actually processing really long lists in
reverse in production. Somehow the thought that even this case is optimised
would make me sleep easier, but then again, the tradeoff of maintainable code
vs. performance improvements remains (though I don't think that the presented
code was very unreadable).
Escaping the Heap was nice and it'll be great to see an open-sourced library for shared memory and off-heap data structures, be it just for special cases anyway.
Lots of content, so I doubt I'll get to the lightning talks. It'll be just this for now then. Hopefully I have time/opportunity to go to the next ELS or another Lisp conference; I can only recommend going.
After some time thinking about and rewriting the library in a subtly
different approaches, CL-MOCK
looks good to me as a version one.
I've removed all mentions of generic functions for now, as first of all
I'm unsure if functionality to dynamically rebind methods is even
necessary, and second, because doing that is complicated by the details
of that protocol. Which means that specifying which method to override
is a bit hairy and I really want a good syntax before I let that stuff
loose. So it'll have to wait until I figure out a good way to do that.
Since it should be easily added to the existing frontend, it will very
probably be done with some overloading of existing functions / macros
(e.g. with a :method
specifier or so).
I'm hoping to test all of this and possibly investigate the generic
function issue on some other library. At the moment my single more
complex example is a replacement for the
call, which
worked surprisingly well and might even make it into a new test suite.
The benefit is obviously the improved reliability of not having to have
a running network connection for testing libraries against a (HTTP)
Yay, found time to give my tumble log a little theme upgrade. And while I'm doing that, I thought I could write down some thoughts on the current design. I might even update it later.
In contrast to this Coleslaw blog I've made a small static renderer to HTML/ATOM for the tumble log, so the interface is mostly console vim to text file with S-expressions. Since at the moment there is only a single file I might just show the syntax for that one:
;; -*- mode: lisp; coding: utf-8-unix; -*-
(video :id 1 :date @2013-05-23T00:00:00+01:00 :tags (music) :url #U"" :title "I Charleston Tel Aviv" :via #U"")
(image :id 3 :date @2014-08-16T01:01:00+01:00 :url #U"" :src #P"data/tumblr_n17lclGKp51qdewwao1_1280.jpg" :alt "Scene from the mange BLAME!")
(text :id 22 :date @2014-08-28T21:22:58.047809+01:00 :tags (emacs lisp) :text #"`(global-set-key (kbd "H-1") ...)` Hyper Hyper! In other words, bind `Caps-Lock` to `Hyper` and rejoice!"#)
(link :id 88 :date @2014-11-20T17:27:05.107413+01:00 :url #U"" :title "HTSQL")
Clearly this would be viable to store in a DBMS as well, but this is good
enough as they say. Featuring PURI
, a few other syntax extensions, (my fork
of) CL-WHO
(for XML extensions) and CL-MARKDOWN
for text rendering. The
Markdown rendering could use a few fixes for edge cases, but in general it
works pretty well and fast. Tags are also written to separate files (both HTML
and ATOM), so readers could actually restrict themselves to a few subsets, even
though it's not a by any stretch a full-fledged query system.
Still, by rendering to static files a lot of problems go away and the whole site can be served very efficiently via a small web server (I'm leaving Hunchentoot/teepeedee2 for more involved projects).
This blog post on LispCast is a pretty good start to get thinking about the intricacies of the interaction between Lisp (Machine) ideas and the current Unix environment. Of course that includes plan9 on the one side and Emacs on the other.
Lisp shell
There is scsh, but it's not really what I'm looking for.
Using emacs as login shell (with the eshell
package) comes closest to it
regarding both with existing commands and integration of Lisp-based ones.
However, while pipes work as expected with eshell
, data is still passed
around as (formatted) text. There doesn't seem to be an easy way to pass
around in-memory objects, at least while staying in Emacs itself. That would
of course mean to reimplement some (larger?) parts of that system.
This all ties in to the idea that unstructured text isn't the best idea to
represent data between processes. Even though Unix pipes are extremely useful,
the ecosystem of shell and C conventions means that the obvious way isn't
completely correct, meaning that there are edge cases to consider. The best is
something as innocent as ls | wc -l
, which will break, depending on the shell
settings, with some (unlikely) characters in filenames, i.e. newlines.
Common formats
One of the problems is obviously that in order to pass around structured data, i.e. objects, all participants have to understand their format. Passing references won't work without OS support though.
Instead of having unstructured streams, use streams of (data) objects. The distinction here is Plain Old Objects (PODs) instead of objects with an associated behaviour.
Let's take a look at standard Unix command line tools (I'm using GNU Coreutils here) in order to reproduce the behaviour and/or intent behind them:
Output of entire files
The first command here is cat
. Although GNU cat
includes additional
transformations, this command concatenates files. Similar to the description,
we can image a CAT
to perform a similar operation on streams of objects.
It doesn't make much sense to concatenate a HTML document and an MP3 file
(hence you won't do it in most cases anyway). However, since files are
unstructured, cat
can work on them.
Registering functionality
Although you can call commands individually on files, some of them form an ad-hoc service interface already: The C compiler, along with the toolchain forms one such interface, where you're required to use the same interface if you want to seamlessly replace one part of the toolchain.
Same goes for the Coreutils: As long as you honour the interface, programs can be replaced with different implementations.
Interactive commands
Emacs has a special form interactive
to indicate whether a command can be
directly called via the command prompt. There is also special handling there
to accomodate the use of interactive arguments. This is something that can be
generalised to the OS. An example of where this already happens is the
file and the .desktop
files from desktop suites.
Threading and job control
Unfortunately getting proper job control to work will be a bit of a problem in any Lisp implementation, since the best way to implement the concurrent jobs is using threads, which are not particularly suited for handling the multitude of signals and other problems associated with them. Even without job control pipelines implemented in Lisp require shared in-memory communication channels, so something like (object-based) streams, mailboxes, or queues are necessary to move IO between different threads.
Another year, another blog. Well, in this case I'd already setup another
Coleslaw instance some time ago, but didn't bother to actually fix
some issues. It's still not the best setup, but it's fixable. Removing all
mentions of Quicklisp (because in the way it's used it should rather be
replaced by ASDF dependencies) and all COMPILE-FILE
statements would be a
start (because in my setup the git
user won't have permissions to write FASL
files in that directory).
But the point stands: A fix for both of these issues is not obvious. An
additional ASD file for each plugin is a bit wasteful, but probably one of the
better options, apart from the need to register plugins. COMPILE-FILE
more complicated. However maybe not using compilation explicitely would be
enough to fix this in the short run.
And it badly needs a theme, any theme, at least something different from the standard one.